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From the Desk of Varyer

Gift Guide 🎁

Perfectly good soup 🍜

Marketing rejected produce 🍆

Vanity plates (for you JS <3) 🚗

The world’s most arrogant GIF ⚔️

Who the hell wants to copy a document on plain paper??? 📜

Reject modernity, embrace inzanity 😈

100 Days of Rejection Therapy 🛋

The Blu Ray Restoration 🍌

🌷⏳🍌🎲✨🪤🗝🍇🐩🧤🪐🌷⏳🍌🎲✨🪤🗝🍇🐩🧤🪐🌷⏳🍌🎲✨🪤🗝🍇🐩🧤🪐 🌷⏳🍌🎲✨🪤🗝🍇🐩🧤🪐🌷⏳🍌🎲✨🪤🗝🍇🐩🧤🪐🌷⏳🍌🎲✨🪤🗝🍇🐩🧤🪐

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