Home | Varyer
From the Desk of Varyer

Socks in Space 🛸

Feet, One With Sock 🦶

Sock Hopin’ Rumble 👯‍♂️

World’s Oldest Socks 📜

Give them socks next 🐴

Gentlemen know better 🧐

Dean and Bean’s Sock Machine ⚙️

Circular knitting and how socks are made 🌀

🌷⏳🍌🎲✨🪤🗝🍇🐩🧤🪐🌷⏳🍌🎲✨🪤🗝🍇🐩🧤🪐🌷⏳🍌🎲✨🪤🗝🍇🐩🧤🪐 🌷⏳🍌🎲✨🪤🗝🍇🐩🧤🪐🌷⏳🍌🎲✨🪤🗝🍇🐩🧤🪐🌷⏳🍌🎲✨🪤🗝🍇🐩🧤🪐

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