Join V-Mail, a weekly calm in the inbox
V—Mail is a delightful respite from the usual deluge of email correspondence. Predictably delivered every Sunday evening, we endeavor to share a missive that is never dull and always unexpected. Settling in with V—Mail is the perfect conclusion to the weekend.
We take pride in finding, creating, and sharing interesting things.
Sam Kriss spectacularly launched his substack with an existential missive on the impotency of the Internet ≻ Is QAnon a metalabel? Toby Shorin goes long on the last dying breath of DTC lifestyle brands and the shift to a new communalism [h/t Bourn Yesterday] ≻ A recap on the backstory of Mariah Carey’s long lost grunge album, after it’s been confirmed it will finally be released with her actual vocals ≻ Startupy hosts the definitive collection of content and companies for many things, but pay attention to this one: spatial software ≻ Nearly 40% of Gen Z prefer to use TikTok over Google as a search engine, plus other insights from OK COOL’s report on TikTok’s evolution ≻ Brands are waking up to the reality of how much gut health affects a person’s mental wellbeing ≻ Commercial Type made a digital food zinethat doubles as a type tester ≻ Tickets are available for the 10th anniversary of the Design Museum of Chicago soirée ≻ Slackables x Choose Your Own Adventure: every choice feels pivotal ≻ Such a great conversation with Karen O, which introduces the concept of Gwenomics ≻ There is a community for people who use gifs and they are called boomers ≻ Life would be better if influencers had day jobs ≻ If the money is good and the project is cool but the people are not cool maybe don’t do it ≻ Roasts are back baby ≻ The potential of rituals to help us cope with stress ≻ Prakticellos are so cute ≻ An open call to design the sonic branding of Wikipedia ≻ Varyer holds its maxims and values dear, and this Sally Mann quote somehow collects almost all of them. Sam Kriss spectacularly launched his substack with an existential missive on the impotency of the Internet ≻ Is QAnon a metalabel? Toby Shorin goes long on the last dying breath of DTC lifestyle brands and the shift to a new communalism [h/t Bourn Yesterday] ≻ A recap on the backstory of Mariah Carey’s long lost grunge album, after it’s been confirmed it will finally be released with her actual vocals ≻ Startupy hosts the definitive collection of content and companies for many things, but pay attention to this one: spatial software ≻ Nearly 40% of Gen Z prefer to use TikTok over Google as a search engine, plus other insights from OK COOL’s report on TikTok’s evolution ≻ Brands are waking up to the reality of how much gut health affects a person’s mental wellbeing ≻ Commercial Type made a digital food zinethat doubles as a type tester ≻ Tickets are available for the 10th anniversary of the Design Museum of Chicago soirée ≻ Slackables x Choose Your Own Adventure: every choice feels pivotal ≻ Such a great conversation with Karen O, which introduces the concept of Gwenomics ≻ There is a community for people who use gifs and they are called boomers ≻ Life would be better if influencers had day jobs ≻ If the money is good and the project is cool but the people are not cool maybe don’t do it ≻ Roasts are back baby ≻ The potential of rituals to help us cope with stress ≻ Prakticellos are so cute ≻ An open call to design the sonic branding of Wikipedia ≻ Varyer holds its maxims and values dear, and this Sally Mann quote somehow collects almost all of them.
The capitalism demons givith, and then they taketh away ≻ Mad at Adobe (again) this week, but here’s their stupid emoji report anyways ≻ Canva debuted a massive drop of new tools this week ≻ What does Andriana Furs, Walter E. Smithe, and Luna Carpet have in common? ≻ A very in-depth conversation with the last man standing in the floppy disk business ≻ Not many people have noticed that Rolling Stone has a new logo, and that’s why it’s good ≻ Digiday reflects on the media trends of the summer ≻ Rachel Comey knows how to connect meaningfully with her customers ≻ Dries Depoorter launched a project that uses open cameras and AI to discover where people took their IG photos ≻ You can smell the chlorine in these photos ≻ The Verge’s redesign is a reaction to the death of the homepage and aggregators of audience hogging all the attention ≻ Indie rockers love their Substacks don’t they ≻ The point of this dynamic typeface is every satanic instinct for Halloween ‘22 ≻ WITI reminded us of Murray Hill’s Kajitsu and the story behind the music that accompanies its beautiful food, courtesy of a dissatisfied Ryuchi Sakamoto ≻ All kinds of stuff inspires Jonathan Saunders ≻ Reuters offers a report on how young people are engaging with the news ≻ We tried ad-free publishing and now we’re not going to try it anymore ≻ This is a good tool if you don’t know what to watch/stream ≻ The presentation of this story on how Wikipedia processes death is incredible ≻ “Are you an Oatly drinking vegan libtard or a red-pilled edgelord chugging goat milk with a side of raw deer heart?” ≻ Our obsession with Japanese candy isn’t slowing down ≻ The bronzed seniors of Greece know how to live. The capitalism demons givith, and then they taketh away ≻ Mad at Adobe (again) this week, but here’s their stupid emoji report anyways ≻ Canva debuted a massive drop of new tools this week ≻ What does Andriana Furs, Walter E. Smithe, and Luna Carpet have in common? ≻ A very in-depth conversation with the last man standing in the floppy disk business ≻ Not many people have noticed that Rolling Stone has a new logo, and that’s why it’s good ≻ Digiday reflects on the media trends of the summer ≻ Rachel Comey knows how to connect meaningfully with her customers ≻ Dries Depoorter launched a project that uses open cameras and AI to discover where people took their IG photos ≻ You can smell the chlorine in these photos ≻ The Verge’s redesign is a reaction to the death of the homepage and aggregators of audience hogging all the attention ≻ Indie rockers love their Substacks don’t they ≻ The point of this dynamic typeface is every satanic instinct for Halloween ‘22 ≻ WITI reminded us of Murray Hill’s Kajitsu and the story behind the music that accompanies its beautiful food, courtesy of a dissatisfied Ryuchi Sakamoto ≻ All kinds of stuff inspires Jonathan Saunders ≻ Reuters offers a report on how young people are engaging with the news ≻ We tried ad-free publishing and now we’re not going to try it anymore ≻ This is a good tool if you don’t know what to watch/stream ≻ The presentation of this story on how Wikipedia processes death is incredible ≻ “Are you an Oatly drinking vegan libtard or a red-pilled edgelord chugging goat milk with a side of raw deer heart?” ≻ Our obsession with Japanese candy isn’t slowing down ≻ The bronzed seniors of Greece know how to live.
All the band logos Chris Bilheimer designed for fake Mr. Show bands (h/t Nothing Major) ≻ Good to see more momentum behind libraries taking back the throne of the third space ≻ Arguing is about discovery ≻ A few people take part in some package design noticing ≻ Bret Easton Ellis found a publisher for his first novel in 13 years ≻ What even is LinkedIn anymore ≻ Would be great if it was actually more of this bookmarkable list of resources on strategy ≻ Vulture dropped its annual list of up and coming funny people ≻ Wonder what “forward” feels like ≻ Plant-based wardrobes are starting to catch up with the slog of the biotech life cycle ≻ Forefront’s latest essay is on rethinking community design ≻ Still seeing articles about how dinner parties are over is a good thing to see when you aren’t being invited to them anymore ≻ Kaitlin Phillips wishes W. David Marx would have indulged in juicer class voyeurism in his new book ≻ Merriam-Webster made MacGuyver a verb, along with 369 more new additions. All the band logos Chris Bilheimer designed for fake Mr. Show bands (h/t Nothing Major) ≻ Good to see more momentum behind libraries taking back the throne of the third space ≻ Arguing is about discovery ≻ A few people take part in some package design noticing ≻ Bret Easton Ellis found a publisher for his first novel in 13 years ≻ What even is LinkedIn anymore ≻ Would be great if it was actually more of this bookmarkable list of resources on strategy ≻ Vulture dropped its annual list of up and coming funny people ≻ Wonder what “forward” feels like ≻ Plant-based wardrobes are starting to catch up with the slog of the biotech life cycle ≻ Forefront’s latest essay is on rethinking community design ≻ Still seeing articles about how dinner parties are over is a good thing to see when you aren’t being invited to them anymore ≻ Kaitlin Phillips wishes W. David Marx would have indulged in juicer class voyeurism in his new book ≻ Merriam-Webster made MacGuyver a verb, along with 369 more new additions.
Behold this extremely tiny octopus ≻ Ben Schott digs in on brands co-opting vernacular for a veneer of authenticity ≻ Get lost in (and contribute to) the redesigned People’s Graphic Design Archive ≻ Pangram Pangram dropped a stunning specimen book ≻ Typotheque is taking on the Unicode Standard to correct for missing characters present in many of Canada’s Indigenous writing systems ≻ The purity of these cursor effects ≻ Why the Green Bay Packers’ biz model doesn’t work for local newspapers ≻ Everything and anything is not a love language is my love language ≻ Wholesome: CBS Sunday Morning celebrates wallpaper ≻ Sorry Ice Cream Museum, it’s official, you’re not a museum ≻ The impact of Jiro Dreams of Sushi on our omakase expectations ≻ Step inside the world’s greatest shroom dispensary ≻ How to get the most out of your natural light ≻ Dreaming of rewirement ≻ Sesame Street is just a treasure to keep. Behold this extremely tiny octopus ≻ Ben Schott digs in on brands co-opting vernacular for a veneer of authenticity ≻ Get lost in (and contribute to) the redesigned People’s Graphic Design Archive ≻ Pangram Pangram dropped a stunning specimen book ≻ Typotheque is taking on the Unicode Standard to correct for missing characters present in many of Canada’s Indigenous writing systems ≻ The purity of these cursor effects ≻ Why the Green Bay Packers’ biz model doesn’t work for local newspapers ≻ Everything and anything is not a love language is my love language ≻ Wholesome: CBS Sunday Morning celebrates wallpaper ≻ Sorry Ice Cream Museum, it’s official, you’re not a museum ≻ The impact of Jiro Dreams of Sushi on our omakase expectations ≻ Step inside the world’s greatest shroom dispensary ≻ How to get the most out of your natural light ≻ Dreaming of rewirement ≻ Sesame Street is just a treasure to keep.
Asrai Garden, in partnership with AEO, launched the Black Florist Fund: a multi-million-dollar fund to provide capital grants to for-profit Black florists and Black flower farmers across the U.S. Donate today ≻ Outside dishes on nine incredible stargazing hikes ≻ “The people who are least responsible for climate change are the most affected by it” ≻ Anthony Burrill recently launched an open-source collection of 500 “found” typographic snippets ≻ In Zuckerville, they don’t call him Headwindy City Gary for a reason ≻ Community untangles the hierarchy of the follower count ≻ We are all just a series of nested ad networks ≻ Human curation is driving streams at 42% ≻ This all dovetails into the truth of recommendation media as the new standard for content distribution ≻ It’s okay, everybody else is anxious about it too ≻ The Writer’s Retreat for Emerging LGBTQ Voices has announced their annual call for applications ≻ Revisit this roots collection from legendary Kingston-based label Micron Music ≻ We’ve all been there: the complete Not/But weekly strip ≻ Want to draw something but don’t know what? Idea ≻ Thought this little game might test the ol’ type skills, but it’s more for people who are too into corpo brands ≻ A simple thing: combine two emojis ≻ Grill those carrots ≻ George Jetson was born today. Asrai Garden, in partnership with AEO, launched the Black Florist Fund: a multi-million-dollar fund to provide capital grants to for-profit Black florists and Black flower farmers across the U.S. Donate today ≻ Outside dishes on nine incredible stargazing hikes ≻ “The people who are least responsible for climate change are the most affected by it” ≻ Anthony Burrill recently launched an open-source collection of 500 “found” typographic snippets ≻ In Zuckerville, they don’t call him Headwindy City Gary for a reason ≻ Community untangles the hierarchy of the follower count ≻ We are all just a series of nested ad networks ≻ Human curation is driving streams at 42% ≻ This all dovetails into the truth of recommendation media as the new standard for content distribution ≻ It’s okay, everybody else is anxious about it too ≻ The Writer’s Retreat for Emerging LGBTQ Voices has announced their annual call for applications ≻ Revisit this roots collection from legendary Kingston-based label Micron Music ≻ We’ve all been there: the complete Not/But weekly strip ≻ Want to draw something but don’t know what? Idea ≻ Thought this little game might test the ol’ type skills, but it’s more for people who are too into corpo brands ≻ A simple thing: combine two emojis ≻ Grill those carrots ≻ George Jetson was born today.
One Slackables timeline in one specific dimension was almost late this week because we were falling down a CERN wormhole ≻ Houseplant, Seth Rogan’s coveted line of weed-tinged objects, is now available for the first time in the Midwest, at Asrai Garden ≻ Vogue Business is using proprietary data to share weekly trend insights from TikTok ≻ But why aren’t they doing that for Instagram? ≻ Because it’s trash? ≻ Or because it’s dead? ≻ We love La Guardia now ≻ Marcus J. Moore digs into the glaring omission of Black women in the experimental jazz doc Fire Music ≻ ISC sets up this performance of Miles Davis doing Cyndi Lauper’s “Time After Time” in Tokyo ≻ More fascination with Gen Z’s nostalgia fixation ≻ But there’s more to it than the lazy concept of nostalgia (just ask Bob Lefsetz) ≻ Especially now that genres have been replaced with moods ≻ This amazing treatise from 1901 on atmospheric thought, chromatic auras, and spiritual synesthesia is reviewed here in full color ≻ Some “hot” closure to last week’s controversy in Varyer #lunchtalk ≻ Sad moment in facts: the Desus and Mero brand is no longer strong ≻ Who says wealth is at odds with empathy and compassion? Lots of research! ≻ Cool visualization that compares the sizes of the tiniest little things ≻ New phase of matter just dropped. One Slackables timeline in one specific dimension was almost late this week because we were falling down a CERN wormhole ≻ Houseplant, Seth Rogan’s coveted line of weed-tinged objects, is now available for the first time in the Midwest, at Asrai Garden ≻ Vogue Business is using proprietary data to share weekly trend insights from TikTok ≻ But why aren’t they doing that for Instagram? ≻ Because it’s trash? ≻ Or because it’s dead? ≻ We love La Guardia now ≻ Marcus J. Moore digs into the glaring omission of Black women in the experimental jazz doc Fire Music ≻ ISC sets up this performance of Miles Davis doing Cyndi Lauper’s “Time After Time” in Tokyo ≻ More fascination with Gen Z’s nostalgia fixation ≻ But there’s more to it than the lazy concept of nostalgia (just ask Bob Lefsetz) ≻ Especially now that genres have been replaced with moods ≻ This amazing treatise from 1901 on atmospheric thought, chromatic auras, and spiritual synesthesia is reviewed here in full color ≻ Some “hot” closure to last week’s controversy in Varyer #lunchtalk ≻ Sad moment in facts: the Desus and Mero brand is no longer strong ≻ Who says wealth is at odds with empathy and compassion? Lots of research! ≻ Cool visualization that compares the sizes of the tiniest little things ≻ New phase of matter just dropped.
Wistful short film from 1978 documenting the last day of hot metal typesetting at The New York Times ≻ Noble Rot has a new website and an interview with Louis Theroux (it folds) ≻ United States Artists have a beautiful online publication called New Suns, and the latest issue explores how artists use touch, tactility, and tacit knowledge in their practices ≻ Missed this thoughtful chat with Colin Smight of Cul De Sac from Off-Kilter the first time around; pick up the latest issue of The OK Times while you’re there ≻ Water & Music’s latest feature takes a look at nine artist- and fan-centric design principles for building next-gen musical metaverse experiences ≻ Unwound is going back on tour and dates keep rolling out ≻ When white producers sample Black music in multitudes of unfair ways ≻ Pistachio is coming for Oat(ly) in the alt-milk war ≻ Everyone started realizing that we can do better than hard seltzer ≻ Roundtable discussion on a book’s primary value being the visual identity for an author’s brand ≻ Startupy is one of the most well curated tech and culture inbox weeklies around ≻ Prestige doesn’t pay the bills but the magic is disappearing ≻ 30 minute read (i.e. read this 5 times): Adrienne Maree Brown reminds us to transform ourselves ≻ All platforms shamefully scored under a 50 out of a possible 100 in GLAAD’s 2022 Social Media Safety Index ≻ Why the color blue is so rare in nature. Wistful short film from 1978 documenting the last day of hot metal typesetting at The New York Times ≻ Noble Rot has a new website and an interview with Louis Theroux (it folds) ≻ United States Artists have a beautiful online publication called New Suns, and the latest issue explores how artists use touch, tactility, and tacit knowledge in their practices ≻ Missed this thoughtful chat with Colin Smight of Cul De Sac from Off-Kilter the first time around; pick up the latest issue of The OK Times while you’re there ≻ Water & Music’s latest feature takes a look at nine artist- and fan-centric design principles for building next-gen musical metaverse experiences ≻ Unwound is going back on tour and dates keep rolling out ≻ When white producers sample Black music in multitudes of unfair ways ≻ Pistachio is coming for Oat(ly) in the alt-milk war ≻ Everyone started realizing that we can do better than hard seltzer ≻ Roundtable discussion on a book’s primary value being the visual identity for an author’s brand ≻ Startupy is one of the most well curated tech and culture inbox weeklies around ≻ Prestige doesn’t pay the bills but the magic is disappearing ≻ 30 minute read (i.e. read this 5 times): Adrienne Maree Brown reminds us to transform ourselves ≻ All platforms shamefully scored under a 50 out of a possible 100 in GLAAD’s 2022 Social Media Safety Index ≻ Why the color blue is so rare in nature.
After you digest our Kolab Project case study (above), check out Diamond City’s latest incarnation in this AI-genarated livestream and let it chill in the background for awhile ≻ In honor of this, our 69th V—Mail (nice), here’s something sexy ≻ Nathan Fielder, known hunk, on his new show The Rehersal, which we’re elated for ≻ Another known hunk, Joe Pera, has sweetly shared news that his show is no more, which we’re devastated for ≻ A PDF of Artforum’s Top Ten lists from 1988-1997 ≻ A case for the two-token framework as a way for artists to financially incentivize and reward genuine fandom in Web3 ≻ Ghostly International is doing 50% off CDs until 7/14 ≻ “The Wes Andersons of sign-making”
Checking in on the next-gen blockbuster fragrance brands ≻ We’redoing barbiecore now ≻ Thingtesting knows that golf is back ≻ Unfettered growth has killed the age of peak TV ≻ Virgil’s new exhibition at Brooklyn Museum has a whole house in it ≻ Check out these ears on Simba the Goat, awarded Germany’s best influencer. After you digest our Kolab Project case study (above), check out Diamond City’s latest incarnation in this AI-genarated livestream and let it chill in the background for awhile ≻ In honor of this, our 69th V—Mail (nice), here’s something sexy ≻ Nathan Fielder, known hunk, on his new show The Rehersal, which we’re elated for ≻ Another known hunk, Joe Pera, has sweetly shared news that his show is no more, which we’re devastated for ≻ A PDF of Artforum’s Top Ten lists from 1988-1997 ≻ A case for the two-token framework as a way for artists to financially incentivize and reward genuine fandom in Web3 ≻ Ghostly International is doing 50% off CDs until 7/14 ≻ “The Wes Andersons of sign-making”
Checking in on the next-gen blockbuster fragrance brands ≻ We’redoing barbiecore now ≻ Thingtesting knows that golf is back ≻ Unfettered growth has killed the age of peak TV ≻ Virgil’s new exhibition at Brooklyn Museum has a whole house in it ≻ Check out these ears on Simba the Goat, awarded Germany’s best influencer.
This quarter in Can I Show You Something?, some real smart people show off how they use Google Workspace +, including Varyer fam Bianca Albino ≻ All the talks from Typographics 2022 at Cooper Union are up on their YouTube channel ≻ Clipse reunited this week ≻ Plenty to glean from this new study that attempts to discover how we measure creative work ≻ The Feminist Tech Principles (and card deck!) are a work-in–progress aimed to influence policy and technology creation ≻ Fonts make us really feel something ≻ Take a few minutes to learn about the three essential qualities of the integral mind, and ongoing practice for living more expansively, comprehensively, and complete ≻ Respecting others’ time is apparently “having a moment” ≻ Like we need another thing to worry about ≻ More on the alleged golden child of marketing, the community model ≻ Troy Young on why the webpage has a humble road ahead ≻ You can place part of the blame on the technologists armed with algorithms ≻ If you’re someone who would rather look at the packaging of fireworks rather than the spectacle itself, this is for you ≻ Weyant watch 2022 ≻ Gaze upon lasers engraving a seal on a promo tumbler. This quarter in Can I Show You Something?, some real smart people show off how they use Google Workspace +, including Varyer fam Bianca Albino ≻ All the talks from Typographics 2022 at Cooper Union are up on their YouTube channel ≻ Clipse reunited this week ≻ Plenty to glean from this new study that attempts to discover how we measure creative work ≻ The Feminist Tech Principles (and card deck!) are a work-in–progress aimed to influence policy and technology creation ≻ Fonts make us really feel something ≻ Take a few minutes to learn about the three essential qualities of the integral mind, and ongoing practice for living more expansively, comprehensively, and complete ≻ Respecting others’ time is apparently “having a moment” ≻ Like we need another thing to worry about ≻ More on the alleged golden child of marketing, the community model ≻ Troy Young on why the webpage has a humble road ahead ≻ You can place part of the blame on the technologists armed with algorithms ≻ If you’re someone who would rather look at the packaging of fireworks rather than the spectacle itself, this is for you ≻ Weyant watch 2022 ≻ Gaze upon lasers engraving a seal on a promo tumbler.
Revisiting ten social networks that didn’t make it ≻ And why Winamp, Napster, LimeWire et al are finding new life ≻ Shintaro Sakamoto has released his first full album in six years ≻ Listen to what the natural world sounds like, anywhere around the globe ≻ Or listen to what Brooklyn pirate radio sounds like, anywhere around Brooklyn ≻ Or listen to whatever you need to, now or later, by converting any doc or website to audio ≻ James Turrell’s Skypsace installation opened in the side of a mountain in Colorado ≻ Monster Children breaks down the five big rules of the skatepark ≻ Dense PDF report from Reuters on the state of digital news in 2022. Revisiting ten social networks that didn’t make it ≻ And why Winamp, Napster, LimeWire et al are finding new life ≻ Shintaro Sakamoto has released his first full album in six years ≻ Listen to what the natural world sounds like, anywhere around the globe ≻ Or listen to what Brooklyn pirate radio sounds like, anywhere around Brooklyn ≻ Or listen to whatever you need to, now or later, by converting any doc or website to audio ≻ James Turrell’s Skypsace installation opened in the side of a mountain in Colorado ≻ Monster Children breaks down the five big rules of the skatepark ≻ Dense PDF report from Reuters on the state of digital news in 2022.
An interactive map of our emotions as articulated by 24 vocal sounds ≻ Jerrod Carmichael and A$AP Rocky on masculinity, fatherhood, and fear ≻ One father reflects on a month spent with Mr. Morale ≻ You’ve seen his work: checking in with Steve Keene, the most ubiquitous and prolific visual artist in indie music history ≻ Love when Andrea goes all-in on a visual assault: Snaxshot’s mid year review is a doozy ≻ Chicago’s favorite camera institution has finally reopened its doors ≻ The confrontational police presence during lockdown through the lens of one photographer ≻ Klim’s take on the futura of the future ≻ Speaking of the future, Dinamo’s POV as a foundry continues to inspire with this foray into customizing (and naming!) your font before purchase ≻ Cal Newport on the optimism of Kevin Kelly’s 1,000 True Fans theory, 14 years later ≻ And thus, Gen Z confirms it doesn’t want any part of presentation culture and the tragically online personal brand ≻ A publishing business model that begins by identifying communities of readers who are currently underserved ≻ N00bs were all over DALL-E last week; get a good sense on when and where AI art goes pro ≻ Somehow missed Web4, but funny to be learning about the concept of Web5 on Google Slides ≻ Paradigm published a useful resource for comparing various legal structures used by DAOs ≻ Should come as a relief to some: calling time on the pitch deck ≻ This four foot structure is the smallest thing Frank Lloyd Wright ever designed ≻ It was 1998. Baby back ribs had everyone harmonizing. A brief but cathartic look at the men behind the earworm. An interactive map of our emotions as articulated by 24 vocal sounds ≻ Jerrod Carmichael and A$AP Rocky on masculinity, fatherhood, and fear ≻ One father reflects on a month spent with Mr. Morale ≻ You’ve seen his work: checking in with Steve Keene, the most ubiquitous and prolific visual artist in indie music history ≻ Love when Andrea goes all-in on a visual assault: Snaxshot’s mid year review is a doozy ≻ Chicago’s favorite camera institution has finally reopened its doors ≻ The confrontational police presence during lockdown through the lens of one photographer ≻ Klim’s take on the futura of the future ≻ Speaking of the future, Dinamo’s POV as a foundry continues to inspire with this foray into customizing (and naming!) your font before purchase ≻ Cal Newport on the optimism of Kevin Kelly’s 1,000 True Fans theory, 14 years later ≻ And thus, Gen Z confirms it doesn’t want any part of presentation culture and the tragically online personal brand ≻ A publishing business model that begins by identifying communities of readers who are currently underserved ≻ N00bs were all over DALL-E last week; get a good sense on when and where AI art goes pro ≻ Somehow missed Web4, but funny to be learning about the concept of Web5 on Google Slides ≻ Paradigm published a useful resource for comparing various legal structures used by DAOs ≻ Should come as a relief to some: calling time on the pitch deck ≻ This four foot structure is the smallest thing Frank Lloyd Wright ever designed ≻ It was 1998. Baby back ribs had everyone harmonizing. A brief but cathartic look at the men behind the earworm.
Who are the deciders of the thirsty market fit of the summer? ≻ Kept hearing last week that everyone is snorting caviar now, turns out it’s just clickbait from the thriving NYT ≻ “I will tell you right now… these 2 gentlemen are prepared for a flood”- Varyer’s MR and HODINKEE’s Nick Marino on Vol.10 design in this brief video ≻ Friend of the studio Thierry Blancpain, co-founder of Grilli Type, chops it up with Figma about variable fonts ≻ Wanna paint a small white menu board featuring pomme frites using Chaumont Script in red and blue ≻ 22/22 is a typography project promising to release 22 fonts before 2022 comes to an end, with an interesting funding premise ≻ In Sheep’s Clothing goes in on Serge Gainsbourg’s experiments with West African, Afro-Cuban, and Brazilian music ≻ Catching up with Kathleen Hanna, who is no moving statue ≻ People keep trying to rename jazz ≻ There was a covid baby boom in Norway so IKEA made a ‘name bank’ to inspire expecting parents. None are as good as ‘Jazz’ ≻ Web3 music festivals are happening as music fandom thrives on Discord, and musicians are somehow burnt out on marketing? Weird ≻ Everything has a 3.0 now: the real estate market flirts with fractional home ownership ≻ A well-made case for optimistic visions of the future driving long-term growth ≻ The design of Julio Torres’ writer’s room oh my god. Who are the deciders of the thirsty market fit of the summer? ≻ Kept hearing last week that everyone is snorting caviar now, turns out it’s just clickbait from the thriving NYT ≻ “I will tell you right now… these 2 gentlemen are prepared for a flood”- Varyer’s MR and HODINKEE’s Nick Marino on Vol.10 design in this brief video ≻ Friend of the studio Thierry Blancpain, co-founder of Grilli Type, chops it up with Figma about variable fonts ≻ Wanna paint a small white menu board featuring pomme frites using Chaumont Script in red and blue ≻ 22/22 is a typography project promising to release 22 fonts before 2022 comes to an end, with an interesting funding premise ≻ In Sheep’s Clothing goes in on Serge Gainsbourg’s experiments with West African, Afro-Cuban, and Brazilian music ≻ Catching up with Kathleen Hanna, who is no moving statue ≻ People keep trying to rename jazz ≻ There was a covid baby boom in Norway so IKEA made a ‘name bank’ to inspire expecting parents. None are as good as ‘Jazz’ ≻ Web3 music festivals are happening as music fandom thrives on Discord, and musicians are somehow burnt out on marketing? Weird ≻ Everything has a 3.0 now: the real estate market flirts with fractional home ownership ≻ A well-made case for optimistic visions of the future driving long-term growth ≻ The design of Julio Torres’ writer’s room oh my god.
Each week, you’ll get a first look at our original longform editorial, playlists, recommendations, serial columns—as well as a carefully compiled roundup of the web’s most enticing offerings and updates on Varyer’s newest shop products.