Inspired by The New York Times’ “Sunday Routine” column, we're sharing how we'd spend a perfect Sunday.

SLOW FLOW If you had an alarm set, snooze it and keep on sleeping. Stay tucked in until the sun is filtering through the windows at just the right angle. Revel for as long as you’d like at the slow progression of the morning—it is Sunday, after all. For as long as possible, avoid scrolling on your phone (but it’s cool to grab it to turn on a chill playlist or morning meditation). Maybe once 10 am rolls around, you can start to think about getting up. If you’re a real early bird, you can certainly get up sooner, but make sure to maintain a decidedly leisurely pace.
SPARKING UP Head to your coziest corner of the house or a sunny spot outside (or stay in bed 😏) for a little morning reflection. If you choose to imbibe, roll yourself a joint and light up. Make sure that you have your most delightful ash tray close at hand; we highly recommend this gloopy guy. Choose your favorite slow activity, whether it be journaling, sketching, reading, or just lazing, and ensure that you take at least thirty minutes solo tasking on recreation. Toward the end of this little morning chill sesh, you’re allowed to let your mind wander toward the delectable promise of . . .
BREAKING FAST The most important meal of the day. This is where the world really opens up: stay in and make a tall stack of pancakes. Head to your local coffee shop and let yourself buy that pricy pastry (and spring for oat milk if that’s your thing). Have dinner for breakfast. Just make sure that no matter what way you’re starting your culinary day, allow yourself to have whatever your heart desires—this is how you’re setting the tone for the rest of your perfect Sunday.
GET MOVING If you haven’t left the house yet, now’s the time to do it. Listen, we get it. Some people might think their perfect Sunday is entirely at home. But allow us to encourage you to take a stroll around the neighborhood, hop on a bus to a nearby park, or strap on a helmet and hop onto a bike. We’re not talking working out levels of movement (unless that’s your preference, in which case, go for it), but a little fresh air goes a long way.
MIDDAY VIBRATIONS This part of the day is a choose-your-own adventure. If you happen to be on the town, maybe stop somewhere and grab a soft-serve cone and channel your inner child. You could stop by that bourgeois bodega and grab a few trendy snacks (bank account be damned). Pop in your earbuds and listen to a perfect walking playlist. Or you could take a nap. Just make sure that you have yourself a nice little lunch somewhere in the midst of your favorite afternoon activities.
THE WIND-DOWN Nice, you’re back home! Now’s the perfect time to revisit that joint you rolled this morning (or you could roll another . . . ) and settle back into the creature comforts of your abode. We suggest preparing your preferred indulgent snack. It’s important that it not simply be something straight from the bag or box – this is your chance to really zhuzh: think of condiments, toppings, combinations, and other experimentations that might take that snack to the next level. (We’ve got you if you need some ideas.) Or, if you're thinking you need something a little more substantial than a snack, we've still got you covered.
THE FINAL ACT This is your opportunity to cozy up with that tasty snack and enjoy some of your favorite Content, whether that’s a book, movie, or TV show. This is another time where we implore you to stay on-task: as hard as it may be, we promise it’s more rewarding to put the phone down, the thoughts of work away, and allow yourself to really enjoy. Let the hours pass you by and allow yourself to truly chill.
FOR THE NIGHT OWLS Oh, are you still up? Why not pour yourself a nightcap? Boozy or not, these late-night hours are the perfect time to sip on a beverage and put a record on. Houseplant's Houseparty Double LP is loaded with songs that will keep the evening energy up until it’s time to get ready for bed in preparation for . . . Monday.