A simple shaken Piña
While not entirely no-fuss, this piña recipe is distinct from the blended or busy cocktail familiar to most. It may seem like a hobo riff, but the simplicity yields a drink true to its origin and easy enough for even the slipperiest mind to commit to memory. It's the perfect sipper (or slammer, depending on your sweet tooth) for a lazy, hazy Sunday afternoon.

5 Ingredients 5 Ingredients 5 Ingredients 5 Ingredients 5 Ingredients 5 Ingredients

✣ 2 ounces white rum
Choose your favorite light rum, no need to overthink it
✣ 2 ounces cream of coconut
Coco Lopez is fine, or you can make your own with fresh coconut and sweetened condensed milk, or Thai Kitchen coconut cream sweetened to taste
✣ 2 ounces pineapple juice
The fresher the better (and less sweet) but classic Dole always does the trick in a pinch
✣ Maraschino cherry
Luxardo only, pricey but worth every penny
✣ Angostura bitters
Just a dash for a crucial hit of spicy complexity

shake aggressively shake aggressively
① Shake
Place the white rum, coconut cream, pineapple juice, and pebbled ice in a cocktail shaker. Shake aggressively for at least 15 seconds, the longer the better for an ice-cold and frothy first sip.
② Pour
Pour into glasses filled with crushed or pebbled ice.
③ Serve
Add a dash or two of angostura and serve with a maraschino cherry.

sip sip sip sip sip sip sip sip sip sip sip sip sip sip sip sip sip sip sip sip