Setting the Scene
First things first: take a look around your room right now. Do you have an ideal space to make a puzzle? Maybe it's a large kitchen table or a work space. Just keep in mind the dimensions of your puzzle and the dimensions of your work surface. You want to have enough room to lay out all the pieces, spread out, sort them, and—of course—fit the completed puzzle on the table! Seasoned puzzlers will often have a dedicated surface to puzzle on, like a puzzle board. We highly recommend them, as they turn any surface into a puzzle-able surface. We love the puzzle boards from Zakco, they are handmade in upstate NY and come in a variety of sizes and finishes. If you're looking to make a quick puzzle board on a budget or in a pinch, a large piece of foam-core from an art supply store is an excellent solution.

Our next recommendation (apart from picking out your puzzle) is quite possibly the most important. SNACKS! We recommend things that won't grease up your hands. Really, this is up to you; we don't want to stand in your way of your favorite munchies. Some of our favorites, in no particular order: a glass of wine, a seltzer, Ghia (as a treat), kettle corn, pistachios, or a bowl of peanut M&Ms. But, honestly, sometimes we break all the rules and just order some take out. Whatever makes you feel the coziest.

Picking a Puzz
Ok, now we're talking. Undoubtedly, this is the most critical step. How do you pick a puzzle?? If you are new to puzzling and you're trying out a Le Puzz for the first time, we recommend our 500-piece puzzles. They are challenging, but not overwhelming. Go with your gut here as well. Do you want to try a vintage puzzle? A new brand? Try to find an image that looks interesting and that you want to live with for a moment. Maybe it's some really wild vintage food styling, a peaceful serene nature scene, an illustration, a wizard! As long as you are into it, that's what matters most. The higher piece counts generally mean a larger, more challenging puzzle. If you're looking into picking out a vintage puzzle, we recommend Springbok, Eaton, or American Publishing Co. Scour your local secondhand shops, and of course eBay is always a great resource. If you're looking for a new puzzle, well, we have to recommend a little website called where you can find quite a variety of eye-catching titles. ;-)
Getting started!
You're well on your way now, just dump that box out onto your puzzle surface and start to flip all the pieces over. You will also want to find a place to prop up your box lid for easy reference. More often than not, the box top just ends up in a chair or propped up on a window sill nearby—nothing wrong with that! However, if you do want to level up your puzzle game, you might invest in a puzzle box stand. This will keep it upright and easy to access. Some people don't even use the box and find their way intuitively through the puzzle. If that's the way you want to go about it, we love that for you!
Sort, Sort, Sort. This is the most tedious process of puzzle making, but it can also be super helpful to solving the puzzle. A general rule is to try and locate all the edge pieces so that you can begin to build the border. If there is a particular pattern that really jumps out, you might stack all those pieces in one place. A few bowls or plates will be helpful here—or sorting trays if you have them on hand. It's generally helpful to sort by color, and you don't have to be too careful. As you sort, things will slowly begin to take shape and you'll likely even start to find pieces that go together. Go for it!

We’ve never done a puzzle and not thought “puzzles are hard” . . . because they are! There’s a lot of concentration and trial and error that goes into completing a puzzle. There’s a certain puzzle groove, and once you get into it, you’re in the zone. We always attribute it to the moment you start to actually “see it.” This will take some time as you familiarize yourself with the image and the pieces. It’s the best feeling when you get a bunch of pieces in place back to back, and things really start to fall into place. Sometimes you need to reposition yourself to see the puzzle from a new angle, and sometimes you need to take a break and come back when you’re ready. This is actually a super important part of the process. Sometimes you just need to walk away for a little while and clear your head. Giving the puzzle some space almost always guarantees that when you come back to it, you will be able to dive back in. Don’t give up too early though. Allow yourself to get pulled into the puzzle and the process—sometimes it will take some time to really feel like you connect with it. There’s no wrong way to do a puzzle, and no time limit. Just know that you can do it and don't give up.

Types of Pieces
One thing we enjoy doing when working a puzzle is naming the pieces silly names. All of the Le Puzz puzzles are what you call "random-cut puzzles," because the pieces are all unique from one another. Here are a few of our faves:
The Gemini - A double-sided piece that is sometimes an edge piece and sometimes an inside piece, you never know! And it keeps you on your toes.
The Stussy - This one brings to mind the pentacle of middle school notebook doodles.
The Knife - A sharp fella, can't miss that funky shape.
The Bong - Need we say more?
The Caterpillar - One extra-long curved piece with a lotta extra legs. This one makes us super happy.
The Sneeze - If you turn this piece around the right way, you'll find a round knobby nose and an open mouth, mid-sneeze!

Although this section sounds like a self-help book, it’s really just about how the last piece gets put in. There are many practices for this, and all are correct, but some are more fun and satisfying than others. Sometimes in the mad dash of completion, one person just goes for it and puts the last piece in. While this is totally fine, it can be a bit frustrating for everyone else. A way to combat this is for everyone to put one finger on the piece and slide it into the space together. A group finger-“high five” is always encouraged.
Seasoned puzzlers like to sign their name and date on the last piece so that when they pass it along to someone else, they can see where the prior puzzler ended and compare it to their last piece. Personally, we love this method, and honestly should start doing it ourselves. There’s nothing cuter than buying a vintage puzzle and finding someone named Sharon’s last piece from 1989.
If you’re a sneaky lil puzzle guy you might put a piece in your pocket to claim the last piece as your own—we don't recommend this method.

This part is really just to commemorate your hard work. We encourage everyone to snap a few pics of their completed puzzle, even if you don’t plan on posting it or sending it to anyone. You fricken' did it, and you should be proud!! Grab a pic of the whole thing and a few of your favorite little moments for prosperity’s sake!

for prosperity’s sake for prosperity’s sake