The Kids are Alright

cutting the curd

checking the cut

draining curds

molding cheeses

time to clean!

checking the pH of the new cheese

flipping newly formed wheels

young cheeses just starting to form a rind

tasting wheels as they develop/ripen

examining rind development

soft cheeses in various states of ripening

Veronica Pedraza has been crafting artisan cheese for over a decade, steadily working towards the place she finds herself now–as the cheesemaker and manager of Blakesville Creamery in Port Washington, Wisconsin.
It's part idyllic goat farmstead and part production and aging facility, built with the cheesemaker's eye on precision, experimentation, and scale. We took a field trip to visit the kids and witness the transformation from goat to milk to curd to wheel after wheel of glorious cheese.

cutting the curd

checking the cut

draining curds
milk culture rennet salt milk culture rennet salt

molding cheeses

time to clean!

checking the pH of the new cheese

flipping newly formed wheels

Round the rind ◌ Round the rind ◌ Round the rind ◌ Round the rind ◌

young cheeses just starting to form a rind

tasting wheels as they develop/ripen

examining rind development

soft cheeses in various states of ripening