Kindred Cannabis
Kindred is a leader in Canadian cannabis distribution. To support that status, we created a brand identity that appeals to varied audiences: a maverick that refuses immediate classification.
As a full-service sales brokerage firm, Kindred partners with cannabis producers, retailers and government agencies to support and grow the industry

Looking to the past
For our work on the visual identity, we experimented with juxtaposition. Cannabis is an ancient plant, recently provided a new audience through governmental sanctions. We opted for a heritage look as a nod to this history, combining it with futuristic edge. The logotype utilizes a bold red for strength and deep green for kindness. The roof above the logotype represents growth, and is a 90º turn on the “k” within the word for visual harmony. To keep the design optimistic, the diamond on top is a constant reminder of possibility on the horizon.

Ahead of the pack
The main purpose for the Kindred website was marketing and thought-leadership, accurately reflecting their position as leaders of industry growth. Designed with trust and adaptability in mind, the use of unconventional navigation methods reflects Kindred’s unique, fresh perspective. Content moves horizontally across the screen when a user scrolls down, while the Navigation and Footer stay fixed.
For additional ease of UX, the user can also click the left and right sides of the screen to navigate each page. As the pages change, the signature red gradient moves across the screen to indicate progression as a subtle nod to the flames that ignite cannabis to release its true potential. The site was developed by Alright Studio.

Preparing for success
In addition to design, Varyer provided overall content collection, creation, and copywriting for the site. Kindred’s mission statement was crafted as a commitment to fostering responsible cannabis culture. Product overviews for various product lines they represent were written with distinct audiences in mind, and posts for their emerging culture blog were curated for launch. Upon completion, the two companies worked closely together to ensure a smooth pass off with clear documentation for future updates.